Need help paying debt? Here’s how to deal with it

Date Posted: July 19, 2022
By: Maggie Marques

Do you need help paying your debt? It is indeed stressful being hounded by your creditors. Imagine the sleepless nights that you might be going through as the reality of your debts being turned over to debt collectors.  This is the reality of many Americans these days but there is hope. Here’s how you can start getting the help you need in paying your debt.

  1. Self-discipline. This may not be something you want to hear, but this is the most important step to help you get back up on your feet and be debt-free. Let’s face it, if you can’t discipline yourself when it comes to your spending habits, you will continue going through the vicious cycle of getting deeper into debt.
  2. Talk to your creditors. Creditors can be understanding and accommodating if you talk to them the moment you realize that you are having a hard time keeping up with your commitments. Do not wait until they hound you and turn over your account to the debt collector before mustering the courage to face them and work with them.
  3. Seek help. There is nothing wrong with admitting that you need help. There are debt relief services that are available for you like credit counseling, debt management plans, and debt settlement programs.  These programs can be helpful but some risks come with them. So, be aware of the whole picture before you sign up.

Be wary of debt relief and other debt repayment scams as well. If it is too good to be true, then it must be. There will people who will call you offering help with credit repair and other debt scams, so be discerning with whom you seek and accept help.

There are others ways of finding a solution if you need help paying the debt. Exhaust all means necessary before you file for bankruptcy – it should always be the last resort.


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